
Dans la vie il y a des choses qui donnent un sourire jusqu’au oreilles. Pour moi ce matin c’est ça : 

You have been warned. If you don’t like hype, STOP HERE.

I am testing Build 16 and I am so happy. While there are lots of little nits to pick at this stage, the concept of what is being done here is absolutely incredible. I find myself shaking my head in disbelief while sitting alone looking at this stuff. I’m sure there is medication for this condition. When I find out what it is, I’ll post it. You’ll need it.

Build 16 will get lost at NAB. You will hardly notice. The other eye candy will over-shadow this build. But it truly is monumental. It represents our graduation from the University of Camera Building. I’m sure that there is a ton more for us to learn, but the foundation is now laid for the RED future. Two years ago we knew nothing. I really can’t believe that so many of you trusted us with our shiny prototype! 🙂


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